Introduction to modern architecture

Architecture and urbanism

Thematic tour

Initiation à l'architecture moderne.jpg
  • Full price: €90

    REP/REP+: €40

    Special public*: €40

    *Disabled or social public

  • 1h

  • Pre-school and kindergarten

  • Persons in wheelchairs must be accompanied. Toilets not accessible to PRM.

  • Maximum 30 pupils and four accompanying adults


Described as a "box in the air" by Le Corbusier, the Villa Savoye allows students to familiarize themselves with the avant-garde architecture of the 1930s and understand its characteristics: forms, materials, geometry...

Notions :

Describe materials; express feelings and understanding; plane forms; chronology; duration; temporal and spatial markers; situate objects in relation to oneself; situate oneself.

To book a workshop or visit, please fill in the booking form below, then email it to the booking department.

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Cycle 1 (Preschool and kindergarten)